Does Islam want Women to be public and political?

This poster is part of the new Second Edition set that has been greatly improved - new revised text reflects post 9-11 America; redesigned with new and more pertinent images.  

Each poster was approved by scholars. 

Each poster is laminated, 36" x 24". 

Can easily be mounted on an Easel or a Foam board. 

Note: This poster is sold as part of a set. Please see purchase options below.

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Does Islam want Women to be public and political?

Most certainly. Islam not only promotes, but charges women (and men) with the responsibility of using their minds for good, preventing evil as God's trustees on earth.
"The believing men and the believing women are protectors one of another; they enjoin good and forbid evil; they establish regular prayers; practice consistent charity; and they obey God and His Messenger. On them will God Pour His Mercy; for God is the Powerful, the Wise." (Qur'an 9:71)

Several Qur'anic verses chronicle female thinkers and doers, such as: Mary, the mother of Jesus; Bilquis, the Queen of Sheba who ruled justly and believed in the One God; and Aasiya, the Pharaoh's wife who saved Prophet Moses. History also tells of many great women: Aishah , the wise teacher and philosopher wife of the Prophet, who taught people daily for over 50 years; and Zubaydah, the famous builder of an aqueduct system for pilgrims.

In the first Islamic state in Madinah, Prophet Muhammad asked women to individually pledge loyalty (one person, one vote) to Islam and to his leadership. Women were expected then, as they are expected now, to assume their rightful role in society as committed partners.

Muslim women today work for the public good as activists, artists, entrepreneurs, leaders, scholars, scientists, social workers and teachers. Muslim women excel in all fields, not in spite of their religious convictions, but because of them.

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  • The Muslim Woman Poster Exhibit
    Picture of The Muslim Woman Poster Exhibit

    10 posters dedicated to Women that dispels myths about women and explore Motherhood, Politics and other topics.

    Laminated & measuring 36" by 24"

  • Discover Islam 40 Poster Combo Set
    Picture of Discover Islam 40 Poster Combo Set
    With a savings of $100 this combo includes:
  • Discover Islam Starter Combo Set
    Picture of Discover Islam Starter Combo Set
  • Discover Islam Super Combo
    Picture of Discover Islam Super Combo
The Muslim Woman Poster Exhibit
Picture of The Muslim Woman Poster Exhibit

10 posters dedicated to Women that dispels myths about women and explore Motherhood, Politics and other topics.

Laminated & measuring 36" by 24"

Discover Islam 40 Poster Combo Set
Picture of Discover Islam 40 Poster Combo Set
With a savings of $100 this combo includes:
Discover Islam Starter Combo Set
Picture of Discover Islam Starter Combo Set
Discover Islam Super Combo
Picture of Discover Islam Super Combo